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Crash Course Computer Books are designed for very busy people that need to know how to use their computer now! Learn Word, Excel, Power Point, QuickBooks, and Web Page Design in just 6 hours or less.

Crash Course Computer Books are under 50 pages with illustrated step-by-step instructions that will take you through an entire Computer program while creating a file from scratch. Need More Help? Take a Crash Course Computer Class with Instructor Patricia Mullaly.

On the Menu Toolbar, click EDIT, COPY, EDIT, PASTE Save as index.htm ----------------------------- ***Style Tags body { background-color: #008000; background-color: transparent; background-image: url("background.gif"); background-attachment: fixed; font-family: Georgia; color: #000000; text-align: center; font-style: italic; font-weight: bold; p.margin {margin: 2 cm; (Replace 2 with 1) } Everything between the body tags is affected by the body style tags p { font-family: Arial; color: #ff0000; font-size: 18pt; font-weight: bold; }

Whatever is between

tags will be Georgia, red, 18, and bold

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Whatever is between h1 tags will have a dashed border around it

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This is a horizontal line displayed 75% across the page. a:link { color: #ff0000; text-decoration: none; } This link will be red with no underline a:hover { color: #800000; text-decoration: underline; } ---------------------------------------------------- ***Inline Formatting Tags Emphasized or Bold This is an HTML bold tag The Text you type here will be Italicized This is an HTML italicize tag The Text you type here will be Underlined The Text you type here will be slightly below the default line The Text you type here will be slightly above the default line The Text you type here will have a line through it called a Strike Through The Text you type here will be bigger than the default text The Text you type here will be smaller than the default text This tag changes the color of individual text This tag changes the style of the text This tag changes the size of the text to 18pt

This text will be green

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  1. Coffee
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Back to Top of Page ------------------------------------------------------ To use this Script, you must copy and paste this tag: in place of this tag in the page: This is a Script. It can be copied and pasted into the Head of your Web Page. This Script will change the cursor into a Calendar/Clock